It's the 90s baby. Lets Party like it's 1990.

Biggie Smalls, Versace shades, Moschino jeans and Alize.
ODB, Brooklyn Zoo, DJ Randall on the 1s and 2s. 

I feel a yearning to make a post about the 90s, I'm so obsessed its bordering on unhealthy, maybe if I rave about how much I love it I'll feel better... then again maybe not...

Firstly I'm crazy obsessed with a song called 9Ts by Redlight, the video is sick, the lyrics are literally all about the 90s and if I were to die tomorrow I would hope this song would be playing on a loop at my grave stone. I've had it on repeat for 24 hours solid and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.

On the topic of music (90s music is undoubtedly the best) is an app called 8Tracks, you can also find it on the internet, and its basically a load of playlists random people have uploaded, the 90s playlists on there are some of the best I've ever heard, I can listen to N Sync, Backstreet Boys and Wheatus to my hearts content.

My So Called Life, is my actual life, 10 Things I Hate About You is still on another level and you could say Sabrina the Teenage Witch has made a come-back, but it really never went away lets be honest. I can't decide if I want to be Angela with a red bob and oversized tartan or if I want to be Cher Horowitz, either way I NEED a fluffy pen and a killer blazer and skirt tartan combo asap!

I CANNOT get enough of the 90s tag on Etsy, seriously I have a million things saved in my bookmarks. I want a hundred chokers, so many baseball hats, a load of plaid, some fresh kicks, a Spice Girls notebook for when I go back to uni, a new backpack. Seriously It's a problem. Especially as my loan will be going in to my bank soon, I'm not too sure how much longer I can hold off...

My level of obsession is that bad that I am desperately trying to find a 90s style masquerade mask for a freshers ball thats in a few weeks, so far no such thing... :( If anyone happens to stumble across one hit me up. Seriously.

So basically I think that 90s music, fashion, TV shows, and fun are the best and nothing will come close, and unless people miraculously decide to bring back patterned leggings with stirrups, shell suit jackets, and Oasis get back together I'm not interested in being a part of the current generation thank you very much for your concern.

Click for Redlight 9Ts 

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